Whew! The Move Is Over!

I hate moving!

We have made the big move to our self-hosted blog site @ WordPress.Org.

There are many new features that will benefit you and me.

With all the neat and new plugins comes a big learning curve for me.

I have a lot to do to get the site not just to where it was at, but make it much better.

One of the first things on my heart was not to lose you my faithful subscribers and friends.

I performed what is called a subscriber migration process to my new site which will allow you to continue to receive my posts.

The procedure takes a few days.

We will see how it pans out.

Fear not, you will not lose me and I will not lose you.

Many blessings,

Jose Alvarez


Ill Be Back!

Dear Blog gees!

I am doing the big switch from WordPress.Com to WordPress.Org.

After four years and 1300 blog entries I am moving in with the “Big Boys” of blogging.

Though the names are similar they are different animals.

The Org version allows full control of my blog including paid ads and hundreds of plugins.

The learning curve on WordPress.org is not for beginners. Whew!

I might be off the “blogging air” for a few days, commencing tomorrow, Wednesday, but FEAR NOT….

“I’ll be back!”

Thursday or Friday look for us at the same Emergingusa.Org.

I don’t know if I’ll get to keep you my 800 plus subscribers. LOL! We’ll see!

Say a prayer for me! I need it!Ill-Be-Back



The Minimum Viable Product

I’ve struggled for years to write a book.

Now, the time has come, for God is speaking.

Entrepreneurs encourage when launching a new venture, to create the “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP).

Instead of committing years to a product which may fail, they encourage the dedication of a few months to create a MVP, put out limited copies on E Bay, for example, and modifying it according to customer feedback.

I will have this MVP done in two months, God willing!

 Released Into Your Calling! (A Book)

(Twenty Five Lessons in Forty Years of Ministry!)

  1. God Still Bring Water From A Rock!
  2. How to Hear the Voice of God?
  3. Freed From Cigarettes Without Trying!
  4. Freed From Drugs Without Rehab!
  5. How I Know That Hell is Real?
  6. How to Avoid Financial Disaster?
  7. What If You Are Single and Hate It?
  8. God Will Put You On the Shelf Before He Uses You!
  9. Beware That Family Idolatry Doesn’t Ruin Your Calling!
  10. How to Function In Spiritual Gifts?
  11. How did Selena Change My Life?
  12. Why did we give away everything?
  13. How Does God Create the Faith of Abraham?
  14. Why Did Dogs Bring Us Lunch?
  15. How to Get $10,000.00 When You Want a Diaper?
  16. How to Wash 17 Loads of Laundry Without Money?
  17. God Still Provides Meat In the Wilderness!
  18. Why Did God Heal a Boy With Leukemia?
  19. How did we make it to Africa without Money?
  20. God Still Heals Through Handkerchiefs!
  21. Witchcraft Unleashed!
  22. Toilets are the Biggest Faith Challenge on the Mission Field!
  23. How did we get a mortgage without a credit score?
  24. How to Develop a Ministry Team Out of a Meeting?
  25. How Did I Lose Forty Pounds?
  26. Publication1

The Power of the Crowd Church

My comments are related to what I’ve learned from the book Bold by Peter Diamandis.

With the advent of social media the crowd model has emerged.

The crowd model was relatively evil, initially.

It was birthed and organized in social media.

The early crowds were used in flash mobs, protests, and riots.

Now the crowd is being leveraged for good.

What about the creation a crowd church within a community?

The church is notoriously known as being “ My local church minded”, isolated and competing with other churches in a community.

If the church is to remain relevant it must break out of this model.

The church can have a local church vision but must adopt that of the crowd church.

Crowd funding:

Enter web sites Kickstarter and Inidiegogo.

One submits products and projects with the potential that interested people will fund them.

What about crowd funding through the concept of the crowd church?

This is crowd funding for churches within a city, but as important, for the city itself through the crowd church.

According to Peter Diamandis there is 15 billion dollars in crowd funding.

By 2020 it will be 100 billion dollars.

What would occur in a community if the crowd church would fund more for it, than any other enterprise. Would revival break?

Crowd Sourcing:

Exploiting the skills and giftings of the crowd instead of the one person.

The apostle Paul calls itthe ministry of the body of Christ versus a one man show.

Crowd ministry:

The notion of having a huge prayer line where many wait for the “ ministers of the day” is dinasourish.

I am embarrassed to make people wait 45 minutes to get prayed for.

Is this unattractive to the church visitor?

Release your ministry team in full!

Let go of your ego.

If you are the main speaker and people still want you to pray that is fine.

But the same Holy Spirit which moves through you moves through the other ministers.

Crowd teachers:

I’ve disagreed with brining in special speakers to do conferences while never tapping into the gifted ministers within the church body.

Any successful enterprise, except the church, raises those from within their ranks.

What about your special speakers be those who serve in your church?

It will make your church more dynamic.

Crowd Churches:

The power of churches within a community collaborating together. This is not  a onetime event for churches, but a way of life for a community.

Crowd Collaboration:

As churches collaborate together the  exponential power of collaboration explodes.

Churches can meet each other’s needs across a city.

The crowd church can meet the needs of the community far beyond any social program.

What would occur in a community if its needs were being met more by the crowd church than any other  social entity?

Crowd events:

Churches working together to create city wide events. Not just a onetime event, but a way of life.

What if  events created by the crowd church impacted the community more than any other type of event?

Crowd sourcing:

Using the resources of the crowd. This is similar to open sources on the web.

This could come as bartering exchanges so that everything is free. What about the church providing crowd sourcing through the crowd church?

What is the impact?

This will lead churches within a community into exponential growth.

Exponential organization using social networks and automation.

Properly built  and attractive communities which will impact the city.

To finally create a sophisticated church interface which a local community can tap into at any time and any place.

This is the power of exponential growth, exponential funding and exponential results through the crowd church.



I discovered that climbing twelve steps of stairs allows you to burn 5 calories. I ate too much last night for my daughter’s birthday and had to burn off 90 calories. I climbed our stairs 18 times. Worked like a charm.



My daughter’s birthday last night. With my son, my dad and my step mom.


Its hard to believe that my dad will be 89 this year. He may live to be 100.

How To Quit Smoking?

All this stuff occurred between the late sixties and early eighties.

I smoked cigarettes for fifteen years a pack and half per day.

Later on, I began the marijuana habit which I carried for 10 years.

Between the marijuana and the cigarettes my lungs got really, really, bad.

They were in constant pain.

I was frightened.

God set me free from drugs, but the cigarettes was something which I continued in and could not stop.

Whatever I would do to quit I would miserably fail.

I was petrified that I was getting cancer.

One day in desperation I fell on my knees.

For ninety minutes, I pleaded and wept with Jesus to deliver me from the control of cigarettes.

The next morning, I just knew I did not need them anymore.

There were big weeds behind my house.

I took the package of Vantage cigarettes and flung it into them

That was 33 years ago.

I have never smoked again.

God’s deliverance do not come by what we do through ourselves, but what Jesus does through us in response to our prayers.


An Atheist’s Birthday Present!

Read this amazing article!

The Church "In The Cloud" Blog

 I had the pleasure of meeting Bob and Dori  Schnelle at one of our healing meetings in Martin County, Florida, yesterday.

Bob was a professing agnostic and or atheist for 45 years, who encountered Jesus on his 60th birthday.

His story follows the note which he included with it.


It was amazing watching the Holy Spirit work through you and your wife and Alicia last night.  I felt like I had been given a fresh infusion of the Spirit and will do great things in the name of our Lord.  We talked a little about my testimony afterward and I told you I would send it to you.  So, I have attached a copy of it, just as it was written and given, at the Vineyard Church Northwest, in Cincinnati, during the Alpha celebration dinner, November 2011.

Feel free to share it however you like.

God bless…

View original post 1,834 more words

The Feisty Jesus!

Stories from our ministry trip to NY in June 2014

We engaged a woman close to eighty in conversation
She was opinionated and feisty.
We were at odds even in our political views which she pulled out of a hesitant me.
She asked whom I had voted for in 2012
It was evident that she had desired the other one to win and shunned the candidates whom I had considered the lesser of political evils.
I said, “I think that the only hope is our coming back to God.”
At that she balked and laughed. “Oh religion!”, “You are not trying to push that on people?” “Let everyone live their lives!”
I told her that I was not. “Proselytizing, converting and debating does not work, “I replied.
So we sparred in a very cordial way.
Jesus’s spunkiness and feistiness were greater than hers.
I told her that I had been on drugs and drinking years back, which she had difficulty in believing.
She asked, ‘well how did you leave that behind?”
I told her that God had changed my desires.
“Oh don’t give God the credit, you did it yourself! “She snapped.
I looked at her and nicely replied, “I do give God the credit!”
She did not have much to say at this point.
All in all it was a delightful conversation, spiced with hearty jabs and anti-jabs.
Departing and shaking hands, the octarian looked at us saying “You are both very nice people.”
Though we were on opposing sides and though she did does not attribute the importance to Jesus which I do, what was present was the lovely Person of Jesus.
For many who are at odds with Christianity, the presence of Jesus is very attractive.
have met few who are not drawn to Him, though they may not realize it.
This Jesus had been the witty, spunky and feisty Jesus.
Jesus, the God and friend to all men and women.
He is the Jesus for all seasons.
